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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

SBYC has an active group of fishermen (women and children also) who troll the oceans and bays in search of the “Big One”. Following the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) rules, our members compete in several tournaments throughout the year and enjoy get togethers after the tournaments to compare notes on the “One That Got Away”.

Monthly awards are given to the fisherman with the largest weakfish, striped bass, bluefish and flounder. Annual awards are given for all IGFA recognized fish caught within the season.

Annually, the Robert M. Hudson Award and the Fishing Committee Award are presented at the Fishing Awards dinner in July. These awards are presented to SBYC fishermen not solely for angling accomplishments, but for demonstrating a commitment to Sport Fishing, a dedication to the Fishing Program at SBYC, and an ability to conduct themselves and their efforts with the highest degree of sportsmanship and integrity.

Robert M. Hudson Award

This award, established in 1964 in honor of Past Commodore, Robert M. Hudson (1960), is given to a Club member who has contributed to the advancement of SBYC fishing through his/her unselfish dedication and love of salt water fishing. In 2016, the award was presented to Dick O’Donnell.

Fishing Committee Award

This award is given to a club member who has consistently supported SBYC bay, ocean or surf fishing. The recipient need not catch the most fish or the largest fish but rather needs to have demonstrated competence in catching fish and possess a true passion for the sport. In 2016, the award was presented to Tim and Pam Andrews.