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HomeOfficers and Club Officials

2024 - 2025 Officers

Commodore Michael Kayes

Vice Commodore David Williams

Rear Commodore Thomas Caro 

Secretary Kathleen Birch

Treasurer Jeffrey Wald


2024 - 2025 Board of Governors

IPC Nancy Chambers     •     Ruthanne Boylan Monaghan  
Michael D'Alessio     •     Jeffrey Kirschenmann

Devin Beattie     •     Pauline Gertzen      

James Gallagher     •     Mark Clark

John Armstrong     •     Susan Bohnsack 


2023 - 2024 Appointed Officials

Fleet Surgeon Andrew Keller, MD

Fleet Chaplain Robert Roy, PC

Fleet Counsel John Iaciofano, Esq

Fleet Captain Joseph Zindulis, PC

Official Measurer Richard Young, PC

Official Weighmaster Wayne Miller

SBYC Is organized as a nonprofit corporation with corresponding bylaws that govern its management and operation. Following is a brief list of officer and board member responsibilities as summarized and extracted from the club's bylaws.

Elected Officers and Club Officials


- presides at all meetings of the General Membership and the BOG

- enforces the rules and regulations of the Club

- appoints a Fleet Captain, Fleet Surgeon, Fleet Chaplain, Fleet counsel, and Official Measurer

- Committees reporting to the Commodore are Property and Grounds, Finance, Membership, Permits and Licenses, Docks and Reservations, Insurance, Operations, Planning, Public Relations, IT/Webmaster.


- assists the Commodore in the discharge of his duties and in his absence shall officiate in his stead.

- Committees reporting to the Vice Commodore are Junior Program, Junior Sailing, Senior Sailing, Sailing Protests, Senior Race, Rescue and Patrol, Regattas, Trophies, Kayaks, Club Boats, Yearbook


- assists the Commodore and the Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties and in their absence shall officiate in their stead.

- Committees reporting to the Rear Commodore are Fishing, Historical, Promotions/Flyers, New and Used Boats, Golf, Club Calendar, Entertainment


- keeps a true record of the proceedings of all meetings of the General Membership and the Board of Governors in a storage medium provided for that purpose and approved by the Board.

- makes a report at each Annual Meeting and at each regular or special meeting of the Club or of the Board.

- issues notice of all meetings of the General Membership and the Board of Governors.

- has access and oversight to all records kept by the Administrator


- receives all monies collected for the Club,

- pays all bills lawfully contracted by the Club and approved by the Board of Governors, keeping a true and correct accounting of all transactions.

- makes a complete financial report of cash receipts, cash disbursements and cash on hand for each General Membership meeting or whenever requested by the Board of Governors as directed by the Finance Committee

- maintains a statement of accounts receivable, including the names of members in arrears, if any.

- makes investments of the Club funds to sell or change the securities in which funds now are or may be hereafter invested, with the approval of the BOG

- has custody of the funds of the Club and shall deposit the Club funds in banks designated by the Board to the credit of and in the name of the “SPRAY BEACH YACHT CLUB.”


Consists of fifteen (15) members to include the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, the retiring Commodore, and nine elected Senior members

The Board of Governors shall control the general management, affairs, funds, and property of the Club. The Board shall make such rules as may be deemed proper governing the use of Club Facilities (House Rules), and fixing penalties for offenses against the same. The House Rules shall be published in the annual Club yearbook. The Board may exercise all such powers of the Club and do all such lawful acts and things as are not prohibited by law or by the Certificate of Incorporation or these By-Laws.

Appointed Officials

FLEET SURGEON shall be a certified health care professional. It shall be the duty of the Fleet Surgeon to advise the Flag Officers and Board of Governors as to health, safety and emergency guidelines for the Club and its property. The Fleet Surgeon shall cause the Club to maintain adequate first aid supplies and emergency equipment to be located in a proper and accessible place, and organize continued training and updating in CPR/AED amongst the membership of the Club.

FLEET CAPTAIN shall be in full command of the Fleet, under the orders of the Commodore, whenever it assembles for a Club cruise or for Fleet activities other than racing, and shall supervise all details connected therewith. He shall designate the substitute who will fulfill the above duties in his absence.

FLEET CHAPLAIN shall be the ecclesiastical functionary of the Club.

OFFICIAL MEASURER or his nominees shall measure all yachts as prescribed by the applicable racing regulation and make a return of the same to the Secretary. The Official Measurer may accept a one-design class organization measurement if satisfactory to him. In measuring one-design racing classes, he shall be bound by the rules, regulations and specifications of the organization governing the said class.

FLEET COUNSEL shall be a licensed attorney in good standing in New Jersey. The Fleet Counsel shall assist the Flag Officers and the Board of Governors by guidance and recommendations in their determinations pertaining to legal matters that may affect the Club.