2025 Auxiliary Membership
$20 per person
Include one membership & Lucky Bucks for the season.
Have some fun with your friends or make some new friends.
All proceeds benefit SBYC - funding events, junior clubhouse furniture, kitchen upgrades etc.
Contact for assistance or questions - Suzanne Barnum 973-452-2796
The Auxiliary’s primary goal is to encourage and support the spirit of fellowship among SBYC Members. Composed of men and women club members, the Auxiliary organizes various entertainment programs, manages the Ship Store, supports the Junior and Sand Crab programs, and provides financial assistance to the Spray Beach Yacht Club.
All of our favorite activities will continue which include: Bridge, Exercise Class, Book Club, Mah Jong, Canasta, Yoga, and the Annual Lobster Dinner, many of which continue year round. Favorites from last year include: Surflight Theater evenings, Bunco, Grounds for Sculpture, Cooking Club, Game Nights, and Trivia Night, and more. Please check the Auxiliary website for the dates of the activities listed along with other offerings.
Over the past few years, our Ship’s Store has expanded its offering to include: SBYC Burgee monogrammed products from Lands’ End as well as the ease of using credit cards on club purchases. We hope that all members are taking advantage of the store.
Please sign up and join us as we rekindle old friendships and embrace new members! To make this successful, we rely on volunteers from our membership. The more you get involved, the more fun you’ll have.
Co-Presidents: Susan Brundage and Sue Donnelly
Co-Vice Presidents: Bob Goldbach and Diane Goldbach
Recording Secretary: Joan Giannotti
Corresponding Secretary: Ria Flynn
Treasurer: Ruthanne Monaghan
Board of Governors Liaison: Kathleen Birch
Members at Large: Debbie Boyle, Teresa Caro, Joanne Mack, and Sharon DuAime
Registration is available on the club website. Be sure that you are logged in.
Membership is $20 per person which includes our Lucky Bucks Raffle.