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2021 Catboat Rendezvous

About this event

General Information:

SBYC is very happy to invite all Catboat sailors to our second annual Catboat Rendezvous.  This event will kick off with an informal gam on Friday night, August 27.  Racing will be on Saturday, August 28, with a rain date scheduled for August 29, if needed. There will be one long race in Little Egg Harbor followed by a post-race social and awards ceremony. The race will be a “Mixed Litter” event which means all size boats will race together and the results will be determined based on Time-on-Time handicapping using the latest Chesapeake Bay Catboat Association Portsmouth numbers.  Awards will be given to the top three finishers.

Sailors are welcome to sail in on Friday and spend the evening in our harbor at the club. Sailors are also welcome to spend Saturday night.  Fire and ice will be provided Friday for those wishing to Bring Your Own Everything (BYOE).  If you are planning to trailer in, we’ll make accommodations for trailer storage on our property.   Boats can be launched at the public ramp in Beach Haven and small boats can use our hoist for launching.  Our club’s bathrooms, showers and clubhouse are open for your use. 

Registration will be $25 per boat.  Included in the registration fee is coffee and donuts, and post-race social. Early registration is encourage to help us with preparation for the post-race social.

Event T-shirts are being sold and can be ordered via the paper registration form or online.  All orders must be received before July 31, 2021. The cost is $10 for short sleeve or $15 for long sleeve. 

Coming by boat? There are harbors on the north and south side of the clubhouse. Boats can tie up in both harbors or beach your boat on Sunfish Beach on the north side of the clubhouse.

Coming by car? Spray Beach Yacht club is located at 2300 Long Beach Boulevard, Spray Beach NJ 08008.

Any questions? Email or call Tom at 267-798-9981





Second Annual Spray Beach Yacht Club Catboat Rendezvous



Dates:                         August 27/28, 2021; Rain Date August 29

Location:                    Spray Beach Yacht Club, 2300 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach Township NJ, 08008.

Rules:                         The rendezvous will be governed by the US Sailing racing rules.

Scoring:                      Time-on-Time handicapping using the latest Chesapeake Bay Catboat Association Portsmouth numbers

Eligibility:                   The rendezvous is open to all size Catboat with a cat rig.

Registration:              Boats may REGISTER NOW online OR by printing and completing the Catboat Rendezvous 2021 form and making payment to Spray Beach Yacht Club.

Fees:                           Boat entry fee is $25 per boat.  Include in fees are coffee, donuts and post-race social.

Post-Race Social:       Burgers, hot dogs, a side, condiments, chips, ice tea, beer and Dark and Stormy’s.

T-shirts:                      Event T-shirts are available for purchase via the registration form or online under the Regatta tab.  All shirt orders must be received by July 31, 2021.

Friday, August 27, 2021: 1700 - ? – Informal gam

  • Fire and Ice available for BYO cookout
  • BYOB or SBYC Friday Night on the Porch Beer and Wine, $5 per person


Saturday, August 28, 2021: Race and Awards

  • 0800 – Registration Opens (coffee and donuts provided)
  • 1000 -- Skipper’s meeting
  • 1200 -- Racing starts
  • Post-Race: Barbecue, refreshments, tall tales, good company and awards.


Sunday, August 29, 2021: Rain Date



Date and Time

Saturday, August 28, 2021, 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM


23rd Street
Spray Beach, NJ  08008

Event Contact(s)

Tom Caro
267-798-9981 (p)

Karen Spanover


Senior Sailing Regattas

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only